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Microsoft Technology Center Fifth Avenue

The Gamma Alpha members enjoyed their meeting and hands on tour at the Microsoft Technology Center Fifth Avenue in Manhattan!

Gamma Alpha Chapter Members

In recognition of outstanding contributions to the Gamma Alpha Chapter, Delta Kappa Gamma International, the "Outstanding Woman Educator" 2018 is awarded to Joan Bruner-Timmons

Joan Goldstein, President of Gamma Alpha, expressed: "Kirsten Grunberg, our wonderful webmaster, gave an excellent PowerPoint presentation, Creating Diverse Ways to Conduct Social Media. Kirsten highlighted for us how each of the social media platforms that are posted on the DKG website perform and how we may, if we wish, post them and engage them on our own Gamma Alpha website."

Please go to the menu of this website and look for the tab "Projects". You may download the complete Power Point presentation Creating Diverse Ways to Conduct Social Media.

The Gamma Alpha members enjoyed taking a tour of the universe, planets, stars and galaxies with 3D holograms developed by Microsoft. The members also learned how the Microsoft's I3D research group has figured out how to create a live hologram of another person to be placed in another room, and foresees that this technology may become our new communication system. A Holoportation captures an entire person's movements and speech in real time, "exactly like the hologram communication you've seen in Star Wars." (Resource:

Photos of the members were also taken by the new hologram technology!

Members also had the opportunity to experience movie trailers in the IMAX Theater!

Staff also guided the Gamma Alpha members to the video production and gaming programs that are also take place at the the Microsoft Technology Center.

Lovely Microsoft t-shirts were given to each member as well as useful contact information for future visits!




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